How To Start A Travel Blog:

 How To Start A Travel Blog:

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Doubts regarding Travel blog:

As with anything in life, if it were easy everyone would be doing it, and while starting a travel blog is actually very easy (in fact you could have one setup by the end of the day if you wanted) it's the keeping It going and making it successful the is the real hard part.


Every day thousands if not hundreds of thousands of blogs are started that will go nowhere and ultimately close. So, let’s discuss how to get over the initial challenges that now people face.

It’s also important to sort yourself into one of two categories now, blogging for passion or blogging for money.

You might sit in both categories and that’s fine but it’s important to know which one you mostly lean towards.

Will my travel blog get lost in the ocean of travel blogs already out there?

This for most people is the first hurdle to jump. Yes, there are easily hundreds of thousands of travel blogs out there, but with a little bit of work you can really set yours apart from the others, it only takes small improvements to put you above the thousands of half-hearted blog attempts. Most travel blogs fit into one of two categories,

Diary style personal blog, if you have a great personality, are happy with pictures of yourself and are happy to put lots of effort into social media and know how to have a fun time and good experiences then this could really be for you. People will be following your blog for you and your personality and not necessarily for the places that you travel.

Travel information blog, if the personal route is not for you, instead you might want to opt for an information style blog, often these will focus on a particular place or type of travel activity.

Whichever option you go for, it's really important that you pick out your niche, let me give you an example.

Instead of having a blog about travel that focuses on diving (there are millions of these) instead of focusing on Diving World War Two wrecks around the world.

I don't travel, can I still have a travel blog?

Of course, you can, travel blogs are often read by other travelers, if you don't travel yourself take this an opportunity to write a travel blog aimed at travelers about your home town.Put yourself in a travelers shoes and imagine that you are visiting where you live, you'll already know all the real hotspots to show people so you can offer a real authentic view of your home place.

As the whole word is starting to get ‘traveled out’, travelers are looking more and more to see the authentic side of places they are traveling and a good travel blog written by a local is sure to attract attention.

I'm not a technical person, I don't know about blogging or the internet, can I still write a blog?

Yes! Setting up a blog is incredibly easy, keep reading to find out more.

I don't have the money to start a blog

A blog really doesn't cost that much, $ 2.95 a month covers everything that you need. There are free options but if you are taking this seriously you need to find this small amount of money.

I don't have the money to travel abroad

Travel your home town or country!

I don't like traveling, photography or blogging

Honestly if you find yourself in a position where you don't like any of these things then you might want to consider something else, if you don't like traveling simply write about other aspects of traveling, e.g. how to plan a trip, if you don't like photography then don't include photos. At the end of the day though a job is a job!

Step-by-Step Guide to Setup a Travel Blog:

Now that we have overcome those challenges, it's time to get to the fun bit, setting the blog up!

Step 1. Choosing and registering a good travel domain name:

The very first step is to choose and register a domain name. The domain name is the name visitors will use to visit your blog, for example: “”

Coming up with a name can often be tricky, but in most cases for a travel blog keep it simple, if you are writing on world war two dive sites go for something like “”

If you can think of something funny and it fits with your site then go for it!

Tip: stick with .com for a travel blog, ending the de facto international domain! Our recommended hosting comes with a free domain so register it in the next step.

tip of_dayTIP OF THE DAY: if you want to generate domain name ideas, head to Domain Name Generators Tools. There you can quickly get ideas.

Step 2. Setting up hosting

Now that we have a name sorted we can purchase web hosting. But what is web hosting and do I need it?

Basically, your blog needs to be stored on a server on the internet so that other p

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